Getting Started with Loom (8:10)

Getting Started with Loom (8:10)

Video took off in 2020 for a number of reasons, one of them being the simplification of recording software. Loom led the charge here, and in my opinion, is the best place to get started. Best of all it's free!

Hardware Mentioned

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Software Mentioned



I already use Loom - Should I bother watching this? I talk a bit about best practices, what I use it for and what I don't use it for. So there may be a few tidbits to pick up.

I don't use Windows - Is Loom for me? Yes! I usually use the Chrome extension, which works on any platform. They also have apps for Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android.

Did you record this video with Loom? All of these videos are recorded with OBS, which I demo in Part 12. I use Loom heavily with my team, and with clients, even just to upload a video I recorded with OBS.

My monitors are a funny size - What should I do to keep my videos from being the same weird size? Either record a window (instead of full desktop), or change the resolution of your display before recording, if you really need to use the entire desktop.

Are my Loom recordings secure? Everyone's definition of secure is different, but by default the URL of your Loom video is public, meaning anyone could use that link. The likelihood of someone stumbling into it is extremely low, but don't put anything in a Loom video that you wouldn't store at a public link (think doc storage). For a bit more security, you can add a password to your Loom video.

Why are you squinting like Clint Eastwood? Fun fact: this was one of the first videos I ever shot with a teleprompter! Reading a teleprompter naturally is definitely a learned skill!

Why is your background so blue? I use two Aputure Amaran MCs, RBG LED lights to give the videos a different look by simply moving a light or changing the color. It's a great, lazy way to make videos look different.