Hardware - Camera (10:09)

Hardware - Camera (10:09)

The video you've been waiting for - How to level up your camera without breaking the bank? Put your lighting and your room first, then make an investment in something that's upgradable 🧠

Hardware Mentioned

Software Mentioned

Logi Capture (Logitech webcams only)


That Logitech webcam looked like crap. It really does alongside a proper video setup, but most webcams look terrible full-screen. Once I had made the color & white balance adjustments, the final version is pretty good!

Is that a bead of caulk running down the corner of the wall? It is. Everything just out of shot is pretty bad.

A full-blown DSLR sounds scary. Agreed, and there is the additional step of the capture card, BUT, the major thing you get with a DSLR is upgradability. A year from now, two years from now you'll likely be looking for an upgrade. With a DSLR you can upgrade your lens to get a fresh look, without starting over from scratch.